Filled with His Love

(4.17) Island Bonds: Faith and Friendship in Tahiti

April 18, 2024 Russell T. Osguthorpe Season 4 Episode 17

Show Notes for Episode: “Island Bonds: Faith and Friendship in Tahiti”

Welcome to another inspiring episode of our podcast, where we delve into the heartwarming experiences of those who venture into distant lands with a mission of faith and friendship. In this episode, we’re taking you to the picturesque setting of a small island, or motu, in Tahiti, through the eyes of a dedicated missionary couple. Here are the key themes and stories you’ll discover:

  • The Power of Outreach: Learn how the couple’s mission went beyond their expectations, touching the lives of the local community, particularly a server and her family with a deep connection to their church.
  • The Journey to Worship: Imagine dressing in your Sunday best and hopping on a boat taxi to attend church! Our guests recount the unique and memorable experiences of practicing their faith in this beautiful island setting.
  • Influencing Through Presence: Find out how the simple act of attending church, together with visiting relatives, had an unintended yet profound influence on the people around them.
  • Building Lasting Relationships: This episode highlights the significance of forming genuine bonds and the impact these connections can have on individuals and their faith.
  • Face-to-Face Interaction: Discover why our guests believe in the irreplaceable value of being physically present and engaging with others in a world that’s increasingly digital.
  • A Call to Friendship: Be inspired by the call to action to make new friends wherever you go, recognizing the power of human connection to transform lives.
  • Gratitude and Transformation: The couple concludes their story with an uplifting message about the transformative effect of gratitude and connection in our lives and our relationships with God.

Join us as we explore these touching moments and the lasting impact of warmth, friendship, and faith on a small island in Tahiti. Don’t forget to subscribe and share this episode with someone who could use a little inspiration today!


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Want know more about the music on this podcast? We are blessed to have M. Diego Gonzalez as a regular contributor of songs he has arranged, performed, and recorded especially for this podcast. My wife and I became acquainted with Diego when he was serving a as missionary in the Puerto Rico San Juan Mission. We were so impressed with his talent, we asked if he would compose and perform songs for Filled With His Love. He thankfully agreed. Hope you enjoy his work!

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Want a good introduction to my book? Morgan Jones Pearson interviewed me on the All-In Podcast, and it was one of the top 10 episodes of 2022. Here’s the link: